Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Plane As Day

It is amazing to me how anything and everything can impact us, especially as children, and in so many different ways! As you all know by now, the thing showing up in many areas of my life the most is FEAR. And although I have been dealing with the Lord about it in each situation when it arises, I have wondered… “Will I ever get rid of fear?” It seems like it came in to my life in so many different places, it’s been a little overwhelming. Well, this is an exchange I MUST share with you!

Now that I am sitting here on the other side of it I see layers and layers that the Lord has been peeling off of me regarding this issue of fear. His intention is always to get to the root of the issue and cut it off, but I had some blocks (layers) that had to be dealt with before I could even get close.

On Wednesday night I was laying in bed unable to fall asleep. I asked the Lord if he was keeping me awake, and if so what his reason was. Randomly a memory popped into my head, a memory that I recall often:

 The summer before I turned five years old my family took a trip to Big Bear, CA. In my memory, we were driving through the town along the road that followed the lake, and out of my window I saw a plane crash. I can see the image as if it had happened yesterday. I remember driving by, unable to direct my eyes away from the sight – a man in a yellow shirt hanging out of the plane upside down with blood running all down his face, another body lying still on the ground in front. The accident had just happened moments before – I was traumatized. 

At the time of the incident, I didn’t know how to communicate or even identify what was going on inside me. But I remember doing everything I could, including eavesdropping on my parents late night conversations, trying to catch tidbits of information about what happened; I wanted to know everything.

Now here I am, almost 25 years later, lying in my bed and feeling the same curious trauma as the Lord replays the picture before me. I needed an exchange. I started to go there - asked the Lord to take me back to the situation so that I could relive all the emotions and thoughts that were going on inside me. I asked him to show me where he was, and I saw it again. This time I saw a gigantic Jesus, wearing the white robe get-up and everything, leaning over and holding up the front of the plane. I didn’t know what he was doing, but he was big and he was there. I began asking him to show me the lies that I started believing… and that’s when I hit a block. I kept getting distracted and couldn’t concentrate. I needed help. Obviously at 3 in the morning Elijah is asleep…and I am usually awake.

I love that quote thing that says something to the tune of, “I don’t want to sleep like a baby, I want to sleep like my husband.” True dat. And I digress…

So I stopped there and waited until the next evening when Elijah was home to help me walk through the process. I had no idea how big a deal this was going to be, and I am so glad the Lord wouldn’t let me move forward without help! It is great to be able to get healing and truth from the Lord on our own with the help of the Holy Spirit, but sometimes we just can’t do it all on our own. Duh, God created us to need each other, right?

So the next night as Elijah and I are going through the exchange these three main lies come out from their hiding place:

1. People get robbed of time when they die, and I don’t want to be robbed.

2. All death is bloody and traumatic and hurts real bad, I don’t want to die.

3. It is my responsibility to make sure that I NEVER DIE.

Da, da da! behold! A huge door was uncovered. The door I was not sure I would ever see, but there it was and all this time it had been poking around right under my nose! The elusive door to FEAR. I have spoken about being afraid of death with people and not thought anything of it. I have been unable to even let my mind think about death for more than a few seconds before I quickly become a crying depressed mess, and my joy plummets into the pit of despair. Hello! Problem? Yes. I couldn’t see it. But on this night, the Lord brought it all out into the open. Not only was I believing some huge lies, I had built my way of life on the foundation of these lies! How much different would you live your life if you thought it was your responsibility to figure out a way to live forever? Don’t answer that. It’s ridiculous. And of course I know that I can’t live forever, so for years I have resorted to begging God to take me home on a flaming chariot like the prophet Elijah. Gotta confess, I was struggling having faith for that one. These were lies I believed even before I could process reality. Crazy huh?

I went through the process. I exchanged each lie reckoning it dead at the cross, and asked the Lord to show me what the truth was. I received the truth and even embraced his way of transition. I forgave the pilot for crashing. I forgave my parents for not understanding what was going on with me and not talking to me about it. I repented for believing God was a robber of time. I repented for believing the lies… all of them (there were more than just 3). I forgave myself for opening up my doors and giving place to fear.

If that isn’t enough to make you feel lighter, it just gets better!

One thing that I really enjoy about the Lord is his sense of humor. He knows I love funny things and laughing, so he is pretty playful in our relationship. He is the king of discretion, so of course he always makes a laugh at the right time (-: Anyway, after I did the exchanging, I asked him to take me back again and show me where he was this time, after the junk was cleared away… it totally surprised me! I may have even physically jumped in my seat. The memory started playing – I am sitting in the car looking out the window when all of a sudden, ssssshhhhhwap! This silly cartoon Jesus smacks into my window, like a bug splatting on a windshield. Instead of seeing a big Jesus, I saw ONLY Jesus. I never saw the crash. I chose to keep this memory and discard the other.

It is so awesome to see his heart for me in those moments. He is always a little distant before I get rid of the lies. Once they are gone he is always right there, so close! Always protecting me and beckoning me to go up higher. And that is the truth. Unfortunately I don’t always see him when it is happening, but thank God for redemption, and his sovereignty to make up the time.

The final step in the exchange process is to ask the Lord to show a redemptive picture. Could be anything, but it usually shows his original intent being set in as the new way in that area of your life.

I was already pretty excited about cartoon Jesus in my window, I was laughing and free. But this is my favorite part. I leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes.

“Lord, show me your redemptive picture.”

Immediately I saw this little red light far off in the distance. The room I was in looked like a military lock down room, like what you see in the movies. Might be what the inside of a tank looks like but bigger, I dunno. There were tiny little windows circling above me that allowed me to see outside from every angle. The land was dark and desolate. As I moved in closer to the red light I realized it was a button.

“God, what is that? It looks like a detonator or something.”

He responded, “That’s exactly what it is. Are you ready?”

I sat there for a second, then suddenly I apprehended what was about to happen. I threw my fist into the air and shouted “YES I AM!”

I grabbed the detonator and pushed the button - Then I watched out the windows as multiple streams of explosions waved out in every direction from my central location into the distant horizon.

This was the day the thread of fear was pulled from my life.


Thank you GOD for your resurrection life coming in and reviving this dead place within me!


And now comes the practical part. I finally get to grow up in this area of my life! I am not stuck being 4 years old and unable to deal with fear. I get to learn to live life being governed by FAITH.


How great, how wide, how deep is your love for us God!




Thursday, April 4, 2013

God's Will & Miscarriage

My mind is stirring over this concept - brought on indirectly by a friend, whom I will forgive for forcing me to get out of bed to blog about it at 2 O’clock in the morning (-:

God’s Will.
There are numerous comments that could arise at any given moment pinning some inhumane, ridiculous occurrence on God. When did this start happening? Who was it that lost their marbles first and started proclaiming that God, being sovereign, wills everything for good or evil? It’s the answer to the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” So many people are asking it, and even more people are not able to answer. I read a blog the other day where someone claimed that God “ordained” the Colorado school shooting and that someday when we get to heaven we will understand his reasoning. I about drew a holy freakin’ sword and sliced my computer screen in half.

Now, let’s really talk about God’s will.

Starting at the beginning: God’s will was that He would create a beautiful universe, using light and dark to form a very modern/industrial design worth capturing in a nice frame from Hobby Lobby, and hung on a wall in the average human house… ok, not quite at the beginning. Let’s start in the Garden.

God’s original design was perfect. EVERYTHING was perfect. He made awesome animals, beautiful plants and trees, etc. Then he carefully fashioned man in His image so that they could experience the deepest desire of all creation: Relationship. It is no joke or understatement when people say that God is 100% about relationship. It’s totally true!

In order for relationship to be perfect, He had to give man the freedom to choose to relate. Otherwise it would just be completely predictable, and the relationship wouldn’t be totally real. I’ve heard people say things like this before, and I think that most people get this part – I am just laying ground work. So, speculating that man would always choose to be in relationship with God, which was his ultimate desire and plan, let us review specimen A:

God loves Man

Man loves God

God protects and blesses Man

Man is most alive with God

God delights in Man

Man has wonderful perfect life

Man loves God more

All because God loves Man most

(Please understand this is a grossly simplified version of God’s original intent)


Unfortunately, it didn’t really go this way. Man fell. And here’s the kicker…

(drum roll)


Luckily, God just happens to be all these things:

Sovereign, redeemer, savior, merciful, kind, gracious, etc.

And this is where some of them really come into play.

I do believe that God knows the end from the beginning, the details and the big picture. But I would venture to say that it is not because of sovereignty, which is what it is often attributed to. No, I would say it is just because He is God and He’s a big “know-it-all,” in the best sense. I believe that sovereignty is what allows everything that happens in between the fall to the complete manifestation of His Kingdom to be used “for good,” aka to direct us back to relationship with Him, which is what he desires most and what makes man most alive. Remember, His original intent was for us to be in relationship with Him, in His presence, 24-7.

There are four variables that affect out life:

1. Our choices

2. Others choices

3. Fallenness

4. God’s will

I can see how all of these work together clear as day in my mind as a picture… maybe I’ll paint it someday. But for now, let me try to explain using English. Actually, let me use an example!


Miscarriage is a horrible occurrence that most people don’t know how to respond to. But let’s talk about it. I have personally lost two babies. Grieving a baby you never met is a difficult experience, and I can’t even imagine grieving one that you have met! But for the sake of the topic, we will discuss my first miscarriage.

I got pregnant three months after we got married. 6 weeks later I lost the baby. It was a horrible, traumatic experience. Now looking back on it I know a few things:

My choices: I had been on birth control and just gotten off a few weeks before I got pregnant. I was naïve and unaware of the side effects coming off birth control (or the side effects of being on birth control  for that matter).

Others choices: Someone decided to put a drug on the market that could potentially kill the life of an unborn child without it being fully disclosed.

Fallenness: Once in a while the consequences of actions catch up to us. In this case, mine was the birth control baby that died. That babies die at all, hello!

God’s will: For me to be a wonderful loving mother to the beautiful baby that was growing inside me.

Perhaps someone would have told me that it was God’s will that my baby died. Ehh! Wrong answer.

Or maybe someone would have told me that it must not have been in the will of God for me to have a baby yet. Beep! Beep! Beep! False.

Or maybe someone would have accused me that I was not walking in God’s will, or something like that. And the point is not that people shouldn’t say stuff, because people do! We just talked about being affected by the choices of others. But when we see this principle of variables play out in our lives, we actually have two options to choose from.

Option #1: let the bad seed grow. Here is some of its fruit: “It is my fault! I took birth control!” “It’s the birth controls fault! I hate the people who made it!” “Woe is me, everything bad happens to me.” “God is doing this to me because he doesn’t like me as much as other people.”

In any one of the fruits listed in option 1, it is certain that some beliefs are going to be made that are inaccurate with who God is and who we are. It puts us on a slippery slope to ending up an old person overcome by the weight of our life - Most of the time we don’t even realize that we are making decisions and forming new beliefs. To be honest, I didn’t get this revelation until this last year! That is why I am revisiting situations in my past as the Lord brings them up, with a second chance to choose Option #2:


So God, what is this? What do I do about it?

“God, I am sorry for using a substance that was harmful to the life you put inside me. I repent for being naïve and not understanding how my choices affect others.”

“God, I choose to forgive the people who made that drug. And I forgive myself for using it.”

“God, I repent for allowing the fallenness of the world to tempt me to believe that you created me to get the bad end of the stick. I understand that a lot of things are not the way you originally intended because of fallenness.”

“God, I believe that you always desire the best for me! Thank you for causing me to see that you were there with me 8 years ago, sitting beside me when I realized I was bleeding. Standing and waiting for me in the space when I ran out to find my car had been towed. Providing and caring for me through my generous and gracious boss. Steering the wheel as I drove in agony to the hospital. Holding my hand and kissing my forehead as I lay on that bed in the emergency room for 5 hours. Joining my heart with my sweet husband and surrounding us with your presence and healing. Thank you that you have always been there, even when I wasn’t looking for you. I choose to believe you, that you created me to be a wonderful and loving mother. Thank you for redeeming this time, instead of allowing me to continue on living in the remains of a fallen belief. I grab hold of your sovereignty and pull it down into this time, this hour, this experience - I receive your love and healing for a lifetime, and run deeper into relationship with you.”


The truth is that God’s will is what it always was. And now we allow His sovereignty to take us back and move us forward, while having our lives redeemed along the way. We all have to journey through this world surrounded by the 4 variables; there is no way around them. Our only option for true freedom and peace is to live redeemed – utilizing that 24-7 open line between us and God that was restored through CHRIST! (Thank you Jesus!) – and it always brings us back to His original design and intent: Relationship.

His sovereignty is amazing! It actually allows for all kinds of crappy stuff to happen, and us still be able to experience all the best of what he desires for us – individually and corporately. It also allows us to really know who God is! We don’t have to go through life collecting bad beliefs about Him that, in the end, cause us to withdraw from relationship.

I have believed all kinds of lies – that God doesn’t speak to me; that God doesn’t come through for me; that God only gives me the bare minimum; that the way God made me is not good enough; that he made my body gross and shameful; that he doesn’t satisfy me as much as chocolate. SERIOUSLY! And I probably believed all these lies before I was 10 years old. Thanks to Christ’s work on the cross, I have exchanged all these lies for the truth, and now my past is being redeemed as my future gets more and more free.

Everyone is different. Everyone has a different story and different stuff to deal with. But ALL of it can be redeemed!

My new motto is “an exchange a day drives the shackles away” (-: