This story gets me really excited! There were so many little lessons and helpful tid bits mixed up in this scenario, it seriously changed my life.
But really quick, here is an update on my last post 'Duct Tape & Discipline':
I think we are on week 4 since the big boy pants came off, and there has been no digging! And the last 2 nights have been onesie free!
Here is a picture of my son after reluctantly putting on the pants again so I could get a photo. How sweet is he!
On to the blender!
A few days after Christmas I was scrolling through facebook
and saw a post from a girl I didn't really know. We had been in the same birth
class together years before when we were pregnant with our firsts, but had not
developed any real relationship. Her post was about her blender burning out. I
didn't think twice and scrolled right past it. A few seconds later I got this
really strong impression that I needed to go back to that post, so I did. When
I got there, the Lord reminded me that I had an extra blender!
I had purchased a $16 blender at Target about two years ago,
and in October we were finally able to get a Vitamix after wanting one for
several years. I had the target blender sitting up on the top shelf in my
pantry collecting dust, so I was glad to offer it, and do my good deed by
paying for shipping.
I went on with my day, pretty excited about giving my friend
this blender for some reason. So I asked the Lord if there was anything else he
wanted me to give to her, and he told me I needed to write her a letter AND
that he was going to give me a prophetic word for her. Well… I about flipped my
lid! I have never really prophesied over anyone before and have had a serious
fear issue in simply hearing God at all, so this was pretty exciting to me, and
a little scary! I have always wanted to hear the Lord clearly and have battled
against a stronghold of fear over my life in many areas, but this one being the
worst. How can you live without being able to hear God? It’s like a one-sided
relationship. It’s been stupid – I know I can hear him, but I have been so
afraid that I won’t, that I never ask any questions requiring a response. Since
entering into this new season I have really been going to war with this to
overcome and displace the root of fear that has held me captive.
Later that evening as I was getting ready for bed, the Lord
started speaking to me about what I was to say in the letter. As he began to
unfold the prophetic word, I realized something… I found Elijah to tell him
what I had heard hoping that he would say it wasn’t right, but he immediately
agreed that it was God (doh!). The Lord had told me to give her the Vitamix…
not the cheap target blender.
At first it was hard for me to let it go, but once I did I
was overcome with joy and excitement about obeying the Lord, and about what he
was saying to my friend. I didn’t sleep most of the night. It was like I was
swept up in some heavenly whirlwind of craziness! God kept showing me more and
more of his heart for this friend. It was overwhelming. I wrote down the word
he gave me so I wouldn’t forget, and he told me to go out the next day to buy warm
clothes for her kids to send with the blender. I think I fell asleep around 6
I was on cloud 9 most of the weekend, but it didn’t take
long for the enemy to come up with a plan of attack. I started seeing the
scenario play out – friend receives blender and letter and thinks I am a crazy
idiot psycho and rejects the whole thing, defriends me, and I didn’t really
hear God after all. Blah, blah, blah. I remembered a weird dream I had a few
weeks before about this friend and thought “maybe this is not a good idea after
all…” I didn’t send it for several days. Finally on Thursday night Elijah said,
“aren’t you going to send that? What are you waiting for?” I DON’T KNOW! So I wrapped up the clothes, put
everything in the box, taped it up and had it ready for Elijah to take to the
post office on Friday.
I was nervous. I figured I had a couple days to calm my
emotions down before the package arrived. I was trying not to fear the worst, and
trying to let it go.
The package was mailed (regular post) on Friday afternoon,
and apparently the post office at large was in a happy state because my friend received
the box the next morning! I woke up on Saturday, relaxed and ready to spend the
day with my little family. I made an exciting breakfast, showered and got ready
for the day, checked facebook and AAAAHAHHHH! The friend had tagged me in a
post (so I couldn’t miss it)!
My heart was racing, I felt like I was going to choke with
anxiety. And as I read her story I was overcome… my eyes quickly flooded and out
loud I began to thank and praise God for his awesomeness! I was so excited. I
shared her post with Elijah and we were both overjoyed!
And we are still overjoyed to now have real relationship
with this friend! Our families have met up and have made plans to hang out
again in a few weeks. We are looking forward to sharing more life together.
So many things that the Lord did inside of me in this situation:
1, He helped me overcome (on a huge level) my fear of not
being able to hear him.
2, He helped me release everything that I have into His
ownership, to be used and given whenever, wherever, however, and to whomever he
3, He took what the enemy meant for evil and turned it for
my good – helped me release the end result to Him. I am only responsible for my
part: to do what the Lord requires of me. But I am NOT responsible for how
others respond. In any situation where we are obedient to the Lord and others
are involved, their free will has its own part to play that we cannot control.
A negative response does not mean we failed in hearing God.
4, Giving is way better than receiving – I felt so ALIVE!
5, And another huge thing that this friend is not even aware
of (until now potentially) is the Lord broke me over judgment. I had a negative
attitude toward this friend – I saw her need as a complaint and build up weird
walls out of arrogance, and automatically bypassed her post because of it. It
was God who made me go back to that post and give. And when he did, my heart
broke under the weight of his compassion and love. When he showed me His heart
for her, I was overcome and totally repented. Woe was me, how planky my eyes
had been. It was as if he transplanted my heart to love this friend in a whole
new way without even ‘knowing’ her. So glad to know her now - She is
delightful! (-:
I am still overjoyed and overcome by all of this! And I am
more excited to have relationship with God and my friend than to have a Vitamix
sitting on my counter (-:
And every time fear tries to tell me that I can't hear God, I laugh.